Game Theoretic Foundations of Multiagent Systems: Algorithms and Applications - June 2021

Length: 15 hours - 3 cfu



This course provides an introduction to multiagent systems by concentrating on modeling agents' interactions by means of competitive games. The main objectives of this course are: conveying basic notions of game theoretical models, discussing in detail some of the algorithms for their resolution, and presenting some recent real-world applications.

Dates & Venue

Giorni Aula Orario
18/06/2021 videoconference 14:00-17:00
22/06/2021 videoconference 09:00-12:00
25/06/2021 videoconference 14:00-17:00
29/06/2021 videoconference 14:00-17:00
02/067/2021  videoconference 14:00-17:00


Suggested Readings

Basic algorithmic notions are recommended, but not strictly required.


Prof. Nicola Basilico - Dipartimento di Informatica



Prof. Nicola Basilico - Dipartimento di Informatica